
Practice Off the Mat

Formal practice is great.  It’s tangible.  It’s clear.  It’s finite.  But sometimes it feels like it is one step forward and two steps back.  We leave the cushion or the mat and are easily lost as we enter back into the fray of the world.

How do we blur this line between practice and life so that it is integrated into whole yogic practice or sadhana?  How do we move from meditating to becoming meditative or from practicing yoga to bringing our practice Off the Mat?

Earle will share ideas to integrate into a personal practice, not so much so that we can work harder, but so that we can work smarter in moving towards achieving our goals.

This event was followed by a community potluck!

Earle Birney grew up an avid sports fan in Vancouver, Canada.  This led to a BA in Leisure Studies through the University of Victoria.  Or almost did.  Taking out a student loan with 4 months left in the degree, Earle bought an around-the-world ticket and went on his personal search for freedom.  Fueled by liquid inspiration Earle ironically ended up in Paremoremo, a maximum security prison in Auckland New Zealand where he remained as a guest for the next 22 months.

This is where Earle met the practices of yoga, meditation, and Buddhist philosophy.  Earle began studying the Asian Classics Institute program created by Geshe Michael Roach, and shortly after returning to Canada went to help him start a Buddhist University and Retreat center in the Chiricahua Mountains in Arizona.  Earle led the yoga philosophy department and as well taught meditation and asana, while studying Tibetan, Sanskrit, business, and a 7 year advanced study program in Tibetan Buddhism – culminating in a 3 year 3 month 3 day silent meditation retreat.

At present, Earle develops curriculum for the Yoga Studies Institute and teaches and leads meditation programs at the Three Jewels Outreach Center in NYC.


© Nirguna Yoga, 2022