Transform Destructive Emotions and Thought-Patterns Through Movement, Meditation and Wisdom rooted in Indian and Tibetan Yoga.
What can you do when the mind is overcome with sadness, anger, anxiety, attachment or jealousy? This vinyasa flow workshop will work through kleshas, a Sanskrit word meaning “destructive emotions” or “mind poisons.” The class will include a special emphasis on how different emotions affect the subtle body and physical and mental well-being. Expect a flow of asana suitable for all levels, detailed meditations, mantra and beautiful wisdom teachings from the ancients.

Born into a family of yogis, Reema Datta has been teaching Yoga and Ayurveda internationally since 2002. She carries lineages of Advaita Vedanta and Tibetan Buddhism. Reema . For more on Yatri and Reema, including her music and books, visit: